Cleft Care Indonesia Foundation

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Donation contact details

Call: +62 8123 050 2217

It is crucial that all families know how to care for and feed their cleft babies, that parents know how, where and when to get surgery and that they understand why their children need treatment.

“The smiles of children are our biggest reward but still, the call for help grows larger and more intense every day. Your help is crucial because it can determine the future of many children. Children suffering from cleft lip and palate deserve a normal living – we call for your helping hands together we can make a difference.”

Lizzy Pelssers (Belgium) – Past President Tulip Indonesia & CCFI volunteer

Make a difference

Cleft is the most common birth defect worldwide. Doctors and physicians in western countries recognize the problem immediately, explain the issues to the parents, schedule surgery and put the usual procedures in place. This is unfortunately not the case in Indonesia. Thankfully, many foundations in Indonesia provide free cleft repair for underprivileged children. However, the lack of knowledge about cleft lips and palates is a fundamental problem. Cleft children and their parents are left to their fate without much information, and babies can hardly drink because the palate and/or lip is open. Often these children come from families with limited financial resources.


Sri is an Indonesian girl born with a cleft lip.
We saw her first when she was 1 month old. Because of her cleft palate, Sri could not suck well enough when her mother gave her a bottle and it took a really long time to feed her even small amounts of milk. Our healthcare workers gave Sri’s mother a special bottle and nipple and explained precisely how to use them; the bottles and teats are specially designed for babies like Sri. Subsequently she was able to feed well, her weight increased and she was soon strong and  healthy enough to have her lip surgery.

Cleft Facts

Feeding babies with a cleft lip is often very difficult. In order to have surgery the infant should be strong and well nourished. Therefore it is essential that parents know the alternative feeding methods.

Your Help will…give cleft infants the chance of a normal childhood

Cleft Care Foundation Indonesia assists and supports parents with cleft infants, bringing hope into the children’s lives. We focus on providing the needed information and nursery care. The right information at the right time, along with nursery assistance and free surgery, will make a real difference.

Every child deserves to grow up and embrace a bright future! Your contribution, of any kind (money, information, time, equipment, supplies), is needed today.

Together we can give infants and parents a better life!

For more information on donation, you can click following link.


Donation Brochure (Indonesian)

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Donation Brochure (English)

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Donation Package Brochure (English)

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