“Your contribution in any kinds; information, time, power, attention, equipment, supply, donation or others, means a lot for us.
Let’s help these mothers care for their babies!”
Joyce (The Netherlands)
Donations from companies
Donations from cultural groups
Japanese club, Korean group
Donations from schools, clubs, Consulates
A French School Involved for Cleft Care: Lycee Paul Duez (Cambrai, France, 2011)
Volunteer: Leila Helle
As this was my high school and my mother teaches there, it was easy to create a bridge to Cleft Care Foundation Indonesia. Right from the beginning, 2 teachers and 70 students (18 years old) were involved in the project.
They really wanted to do something to help Indonesian children with a cleft. They decided to work to raise money for the Foundation. They did an amazing job. During one day, 9th of December 2011, they sold drinks and food, blue ribbons and Cleft Care calendars.
They made tattoos and wrote poems…they managed to mobilize the whole school for CC. their work was productive: they raised money for CCFI. In January 2012, I went to the school to explain to them how Cleft Care Foundation Indonesia operates and to thank them for the great job they have done. …….Wherever you are and whatever you do …..there is always a way to help Cleft Care!
English First language schools
Community Donations
Voorhoof Gemeente Community in The Netherlands coordinated by Mr. Huib Sturm.
Mrs. Sylvia Pangkey, Dutch consul in Surabaya, with volunteers Toni and Marie Jo.
Mrs. Pangkey represents many donors in The Netherlands.
To donate, contact us at following link.